Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Pole Dancing & Writing Advice

I got a little jealous watching all these asshole awesome bloggers doing guest posts on other asshole awesome blogs. So, I stalked my favorite blogger, showed him a couple of pictures I took of him and an innocent goat behind closed doors and threatened to show them to his momma. He was suddenly VERY interested in having me quest post.

So, I pooped out a mediocre post about my favorite subject: shitty bloggers that don't know their anal opening from a whole in the ground and shoved it in MJ's thong. He obediently posted it on his blog and is currently cowering in the corner until I put away the whip and handcuffs.

If you're interested in reading it, follow this little linky-poo thing and get your rocks off. Don't forget to leave a comment. I promise I'll respond, but I can't guarantee it won't hurt.


  1. Trust me, the pleasure was all mine.

  2. Way to get him by the short & curlies, Terrye.

    1. LOL You just need to know how to "talk" to MJ to get him to listen, what with his gnat brain and all. ;)

  3. I read it, and quite frankly I am very disappointed that no one bought singles in order to make it rain! Otherwise, that was a very good post.

  4. LOL picky picky! Maybe next time. ;)

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you, Eric, I think I like you a lot. :D
