Friday, March 28, 2014

Bad Drivers

If you've spent any time at all behind the wheel of a vehicle, I’m sure you’ve run into a bad driver or two. Some of these drivers act like they're the only ones on the planet. Others think because they drive a certain make or model, it automatically entitles them to act like they also bought the rights to the road. Then there are the ones that seem to be deathly afraid to get out of the fast lane while going 10 miles under the posted speed limit. UGH!

Here is my short list of bad driving pet peeves:

1. Rabbit & Hare. I’m happily motoring down the highway and suddenly, out of nowhere, you come screaming up behind me. No big deal. Until you pass me, whip in front of me and…slow down?! Why? Did McDonald’s mess up your iced mocha and you have to take it out on the next person you see? You have deeper issues than a bad coffee.

2. Emergency Vehicles. The sirens are blaring. The emergency lights are flashing and you refuse to get out of the way. Are you in THAT much of a hurry? What if that was someone you loved in that ambulance? Or that fire truck was on its way to save your child? I bet you’d get out of the way then! MOVE OVER, MORON! 

3. Refusing to use turn signals. Really, dude? You think everyone can read your mind – you want the lane I’m in. Instead of letting me know you want over, you just swerve on over, almost hit me, and then cut me off.  You paid for the turn signals, use them!

4. Texting While Driving. I love cruising down the freeway and the car in front of me stomps on their brakes. Why? Because they got a text message! Or they are so distracted that they start to wander into other lanes that are already occupied. What could possibly be SO incredibly important that you risk your life and mine for a damn text message?!

5. Construction Kamikazes. You can’t miss all the warning signs. “Warning – construction zone ahead.” “Left Lane Closes in ½ Mile.” “Merge Right.” But what do you do? You wait until the last possible second and jump in front of me, almost taking off my front bumper. There’s only one word for you – jackass!

What is your number one bad driver pet peeve?


  1. The Tortoise/Rabbit & Hare is a move that happens a LOT in Chicago. Not sure if they see a cop or they're just looking for some action. Makes me channel Elmer Fudd: "Be vewy qwiet I'm hunting wabbits. And hawes."

  2. I used to have a problem with Old Fuckers Driving. Now that I *am* an Old Fucker Driving, not so much.

    Fearless Leader

  3. I got rid of my car a couple years ago and don't regret it a bit. Now I let the bus driver stress out over the jackasses on the road while I bury my nose in my book. I have to say that all of those things on your list make my list too. You can add senior drivers who no longer have the ability to drive safely and the drivers who don't know where they are going so they hit their brakes every 50 feet or so, afraid that they are missing their turn/address.

    1. I used to enjoy riding the bus until the day the guy sitting in front of me decided to start french kissing his imaginary girlfriend. That did it for me. I guess there are pros and cons for every situation.

  4. You want to talk about bad drivers, come down here to Florida. The people down here are crazy, but put them behind the wheel of a car, and they become insane.

    1. No thanks, I spent three years dealing with those fucktards. Never again. And I have to agree, it seems like Florida has some of THE worst drivers in the US. Second only the DC where you have drivers from all over the world with diplomatic immunity thinking they can do whatever the hell they want, including driving on the sidewalk to get around traffic jams. I kid you not!

  5. Pretty much you described what it's like to drive in Florida. I agree with Michael. When I visit my folks there it's instant road rage.

    1. Oh yeah, I've seen some of the dumbest driving stunts while living down there. You name it, I've probably seen it. :D Too bad the public transportation isn't better in Floria. They could take a lesson from NYC, huh? :D

  6. Those that don't indicate wind me up. As do those idiots that don't give way at roundabouts. And those morons who drive 3 inches from your bumper at 80 mph on the motorway. Oh yes, those who push in when there is a line of traffic ... I could go on, but I suspect that's enough for now.

    1. Ugh! Yes, all those and then some! Those kinds of drivers scare the crap out of me!

  7. We have some crazy ass drivers here in Jersey and you just nailed all of them. Except for two very politically incorrect groups I won't mention, but GAH!

  8. I can't comment on this...the proper response requires a complete blog post....

  9. These people drive me insane!!!! (no pun intended!)
    The worst ones, IMHO, are the parents driving their kids to school. It's like they pick up their keys & leave their brains on their night table. They're not just stupid, they're dangerous. Children should not have to dodge idiot drivers to make it safely across the parking lot!
    There are mornings when I produce an entire new chapter for the cussing lexicon just driving carpool for my kids.
